
Artificial Intelligence Application for Quality Health Outcomes - Sept 23 - 24, 2019

  • Sep 23rd, 2019 at 08:30 am
  • Marquis Hall, University of Saskatchewan

AI for QI: Collaborative Exploration of Artificial Intelligence Application for Quality Health Outcomes


The University of Saskatchewan College of Nursing will be hosting a CIHR funded event, AI for QI: A Collaborative Exploration of Artificial Intelligence Application for Quality Health Outcomes.

The AI for QI symposium event represents an opportunity to unite collaborators representing four distinct views: patients, healthcare practitioners and policy leaders, research, and industry.  Discussion will center on the advancement of AI application to support quality health outcomes, with a particular focus on the ethical challenges inherent in the integration of this technology. The symposium will feature expert keynote speakers addressing issues of health equity and ethics in this context. In addition, attendees will hear from each of the four partner perspectives and engage in multidisciplinary table talk sessions exploring the social implications of a rapidly evolving AI presence in health.

From this newly informed perspective, stakeholders will select project priorities and explore opportunities to form innovative teams well positioned to address future AI project calls. Structured networking opportunities are planned to allow members of this multidisciplinary gathering time to establish significant connections, while the creation of an online community will support ongoing collaboration and funding application.

This event will feature two national keynote speakers, Dr. Jennifer Gibson (University of Toronto, Director of Joint Centre for Bioethics & Sun Life Financial Chair in Bioethics) and Dr. Alika Lafontaine (University of Alberta, Medical Lead for Aboriginal Health Program), as well as contributions from the Health Quality Council, the Saskatchewan Health Authority, patient representatives, and industry through our collaboration with Innovation SK.

Dates: All Day Symposium September 23, 3019

            Concluding half-day September 24. 2019


Register Here

For more information contact:

Courtney Carlberg or

Tracie Risling