20/20 Health Vision Conference Series
20/20 Health Vision Series: The time for Change is NOW!
Health is a $7 trillion global market. Beyond the internet and social media, everyday there are forces driving change and the way we think about health. Some have dubbed it the “intelligence wave”. You and I create billions and billions of bytes of data everyday in the way we work, the conversations we have, and the services we use. We must pan for gold; seek out the meaningful nuggets of data that can help transform businesses, organizations and us. A tremendous opportunity is how we capture, store and mine that will help us transcend. It will help us get better; provide more service, more efficiently and in a personalized way. No longer are people passive about their health. They want to be engaged and empowered. This creates tremendous opportunities. The business model of health must shift to where we focus on integration and collaboration to be more Preventative, Predictive, Personalized and Participatory!
Our speakers and conference themes of Connected Care, Artificial Intelligence, Elite Performance, Local Innovations and Disrupting and Transforming Healthcare are designed to expand conversations, mindsets and behaviours to accomplish this. We believe health is an economic engine. Our objective is you embrace courage to transform and create opportunities for you.