
Health Innovation Funding

  • Feb 20th, 2020
  • Guy Paterson

Joule announces $500K funding to further innovation support

Joulle, the subsidary of the Canadian Medical Asssociation has annopunced its annual Innovation Grant to support physicians, residents and medical students deeveloping or advancing initiaitves to provide direct, positive impacts to patients and physicians - focusing on two CMA priority areas.

Grant areas include:

  • Physician health and wellness: Initiatives that aim to promote health and wellness among physicians and medical learners.
  • Access to care: Initiatives that focus on innovative solutions that improve access to healthcare for all Canadians – address marginalized, rural and/or remote populations – while keeping in mind the patient experience.
  • Sustainable healthcare: Initiatives that address the impact of climate change on the health and well-being of Canadians.
  • Healthcare solutions: Initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality, safety and efficiency of healthcare and improving health outcomes for patients – while reducing overall costs within the Canadian healthcare system.
  • Emerging physician innovators: These grants support the innovations of medical students and residents who are improving healthcare in Canada. Initiatives must be aligned to one of the four primary grant categories: physician health and wellness, access to care, sustainable healthcare or healthcare solutions.

Applications are due by March 24, 2020.  Contact:


Guy Paterson Director, Health Innovation and Economic Development Inc.

Guy Paterson is a Director and Officer of Health Inovation and Economic Development Inc.  A Saskatchewan based not-for-profit with a misson to create the ecosystem, networks and alliances which support individuals and organizations seeking to conceive, test, develop and market innovative products, services and solutions for health and wellness.

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