About Us

Organization for
Health Innovation for Economic Development Inc.

The Organizaton for Health Innovation and Economic Development Inc. had its roots in the early 2000's under community leadership.  Knowing that strong businesses were, and are, job creators and the backbone of a vibrant community, driven by it's committment of health, research and business professionals, tackled issues and built strong relationships with community, educational, research business and governmental organizations.

The Organization for Health Innvation for Economic Growth is a not-for-profit charitable corporation being developed in partnership with the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce.   Its purpose is to educate and promote opportunities for improved and efficient healthcare through business services, education, research, commercialization and development in health services, and explains the role of the health care industry in creating the economic growth and jobs in Canada and the Province of Saskatchewan.

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“The journey begins with one step” - Lao Tzu

The Time for Change ....  is NOW!” what does that mean and what does it take?

“10-20-200” is our goal: In the next 10 years, 20 high growth companies will be created with 200 high paying jobs. This will translate into $30 million in payroll, and $300 million to $3 billion in economic spin-offs.

This will create a critical mass necessary for growing a new sector for our economy. Health is a $7 trillion market worldwide and the world needs innovative products, services and solutions. Now is the time to set the course. On behalf of the Saskatchewan Health Opportunities Committee

Adele Kulyk, Tom Archibald and Guy Paterson

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